All great things start small.
So many of the things that ExxonMobil works on are stories about scale. Their ideas and innovations start out in a lab at a very small scale as a means to prove out the science, and then their scientists and engineers work on them and scale them up so that they can be deployed at commercial scale, where they can make a huge impact. These tiny science experiments demonstrated a few of the innovations that ExxonMobil is working on, and they did it in a way that got the Gen Z audience that they were made for to stop scrolling and take notice.
Gen Z is an audience that’s typically not very interested in energy, and the ExxonMobil brand means very little to them – if anything, they think gas stations. Despite this, with minimal media investment in paid teasers on Snapchat and Instagram, these videos amassed over 1.8 million views on YouTube, and the video completion rate was 91%, 16 percentage points higher than ExxonMobil had ever achieved for any audience.